Immigration Updates

IRAC has released its second monthly to the Index of Selected Unpublished Decisions of the Board of Immigration Appeals. The Index is organized by subject matter, and contains links to and summaries of hundreds of helpful unpublished BIA decisions. Individuals who have already purchased the Index may download the updated version for no additional charge. Those

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By Ben Winograd The Immigrant & Refugee Appellate Center (IRAC) recently received a favorable decision from the Board of Immigration Appeals on a technical but important issue for many noncitizens facing removal: whether a criminal indictment stating that an offense occurred “on or about” a particular date is sufficient to demonstrate that the offense actually

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On October 4th, the BIA remanded a decison denying asylum relief for a Thai national convicted of methamphetamine smuggling.  After serving her U.S. sentence, the individual feared that she would be prosecuted and imprisoned in Thailand if returned.  Conditions in Thail jails have been found to be life threatening.  The BIA remanded on the basis

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IRAC has released its first monthly update to the Index of Selected Unpublished Decisions of the Board of Immigration Appeals. The Index is organized by subject matter, and contains links to and summaries of hundreds of helpful unpublished BIA decisions. Individuals who have already purchased the Index may download the updated version for no additional charge.

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While the federal government is shut down, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) is still accepting filings delivered by hand. Notices of appeal, briefs, and other filings will be accepted at the mail room across from the Clerk’s Office on the 20th floor. If you would like to use IRAC’s same-day filing service (either during

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Unpublished BIA Decisions
Index of Unpublished Decisions of The Board of Immigration Appeals (2024 edition)

This Index contains links to more than 5,000 unpublished BIA decisions selected for