Oscar Giovanni Castro Rosa, A205 828 164 (BIA Sept. 25, 2013)

Oscar Giovanni Castro Rosa, A205 828 164 (BIA Sept. 25, 2013)

In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) remanded the case to provide an explicit opportunity to file an asylum application where the Immigration Judge made no further inquiry after the respondent stated he was “a little bit afraid” of returning to El Salvador. The decision was written by Vice Chairman Charles Adkins-Blanch.

More Unpublished BIA Decisions

Index of Unpublished Decisions of The Board of Immigration Appeals (2024 edition)

This Index contains links to more than 5,000 unpublished BIA decisions selected for

Ramon Garcia-Fonseca, A075 535 094 (BIA June 5, 2014)

In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) was not inadmissible

Irma Yadira Murillo-Ayala, A078 964 772 (BIA June 3, 2014)

In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) rescinded an in

Karla Figueroa Briceno, A095 084 539 (BIA May 30, 2014)

In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) reopened proceedings at